Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Frey Blog Tour! Review, Guest Post, and Giveaway!

Hello and welcome to my stop on this wonderful tour! Today I have below a review, a totally true audiobook guest post, and giveaways!

 Frey (Frey Saga #1)
Author- Melissa Wright
Source- ebook for free!
Pages- 468
Publisher- Lulu
Publication Date- July 25th 2011

Goodreads Summary-

Unaware she's been bound from using magic, Frey leads a small, miserable life in the village where she's sent after the death of her mother. But a tiny spark starts a fury of changes and she finds hersef running from everything she's ever known. 

Hunted by council for practicing dark magic, she is certain she's been wrongfully accused. She flees, and is forced to rely on strangers for protection. But the farther she strays from home, the more her magic and forgotten memories return and she begins to suspect all is not as it seems.


Cover Thoughts-
It's perfect. The cover is so eye catching and colorful and the the next one in the series is like it too. The cursive leaves a bit of an antique and free feeling like the story. I also love the idea of putting Frey on the cover with a nature scene like that because throughout the whole book she is in the wilderness.

First Thought-
I'm expecting some sort of wizard or magic people? The summary sounds alright. 
What I liked-
I loved it. As soon as I was done I went and bought the second one and I'm still reading it right now. My favorite scene in it is where she is being tutored by Chevelle because Junnie has been called on by their elf-kind  Council and a bird dies. You would have to read it all to understand why! I loved how everything is connected flawlessly. There was so many twists and pieces of information that could have been left untouched or mistaken but everything came together nicely. My favorite character is certain elf fairy Ruby. Her fiery attitude, hair, whip, and dust make her so unique compared to everyone else. Basically you have Chevelle (sexy dark elf tutoring Freya), Grey (disappearing magic whiz and totally in love with Ruby), Anvil (tongue burned and lightening master), Rhys and Rider (serious followers of the wolves), Steed (another sexy dark elf that can make Freya smile), Ruby and Freya on a long journey to a place Freya has no idea. She has lost most of her memories, her mother is dead, her aunt is a lune, and she is accused of dark magic. That is just the beginning of this book. It is the diary that really starts to unraval everything.

What I disliked-
I honestly believe Freya plays the lost little girl with no idea card way too much. She seems like a cry baby on the brink of giving up most of the time. Sometimes I just wanna facepalm her becuase she can be such an innocent idiot. That is the only reason why she isnt my favorite charcter and why I like the BA Ruby instead. :) Other than that I can find no other uninteresting parts of the book.

Overall Readability-
It's fastpaced and easy to follow. Even thought Freya isn't one of my favorite characters I very much enjoy this series! The best part is Frey is unique. Elves are the main characters and humans are myths!

My Final Thought-
Oh my gosh she is what? That is awesome. She has one heck of a road in front of her!

4 out of 5 Haunted Roses

~Author Bio~
Melissa lives in the Midwest with her family (including a few spoiled dogs and horses), loves to travel but always misses home, and has little to no spare time. If she ever manages to find some, it's spent painting or outdoors (but never at the same time). Frey is her first novel, but she's been bitten by the writing bug, so expect many more to follow.

Amazon (Free on Amazon)

~Guest Post~


When people find out I listen to audiobooks, I always get a strange response. An odd look, uncomfortable silence, a smirk. A comment like, "Oh, yeah, my grandpa used to listen to those old radio shows."  I can understand the prejudice, I've been on that side. What? No, I don't want to listen to someone talking all day. I had enough of lectures in school. But I'm a convert. In a kind of "eat your vegetables" fashion, my father forced me to give them a chance. And I can tell you, the public is uninformed. Some are better than others, but all allow you to enjoy your favorite pastime during your sucky commute, while you're cleaning house (that's right, bonus-they make your chores more bearable), or anytime you have free ears. I still read ebooks and paperbacks, but any time I'm stuck in a car for hours on end, or doing laundry and dishes, I've got something playing. I've composed a list of some of my favorites. Give them a try, I promise it's cooler than you think.Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis – Best overall. Great stories, great set of narrators.Hounded by Kevin Hearne - I listened to this months ago and I'm still laughing. Best. Dog. Ever.Driving Mr. Dead by Molly Harper - The narrator nails these characters, you will be giggling your butt off.Outlander by Diana Gabaldon – A baffling array of accents, my favorite being the Scottish Highlander (wink, wink).The Millennium Trilogy by Steig Larsson - Especially helpful with stumbling through those tricky names.Watership Down by Richard Adams - Very mellow, nice accent.The Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris - Fun and light, as I think the books were meant to be.The Ender Saga by Orson Scott Card - Card always has great narrators, you're pretty much safe with any of his books.
A Song of Ice and Fire series by George RR Martin - Much less overwhelming this way.There is a catch, of course. After so many hours of listening, you might find yourself walking around saying, "Hodor" or speaking with a Scottish burr. But that's fun, too. 

~Frey Blog Tour Schedule~
May 21st- June 1st 
May 21stShadow Kisses Book Reviews- Review, Giveaway
May 22nd- Known to Read- Review, Guest Post, Giveaway
May 23rd- Ramblings of a Teenage Bookworm- Review, Giveaway
May 25th - Always YA at Heart- Review, Guest Post, Giveaway
May 26th- Cocktails and Books- Review, Guest Post, Giveaway
May 27th- LS Murphy- Review, Interview
May 28th- Paperback Princess- Review, Interview, Giveaway
May 29th- Ce-Ce's Garden of Reviews- Guest Post, Giveaway
May 30th- The Haunted Rose- Review, Guest Post, Giveaway
May 31st- Shattered Souls- Interview, Giveaway
June 1stTurning the Pages- Guest Post


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